Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Edinburgh Half-marathon (part 2)

Hello again!
So this morning I got up at 6.10am, got into my lycra, pinned on my race number and caught the bus in to town in preparation for the race start at 8am.
The start area was well organised with lots of great big lorries to take our bags to the finishing line, loads of loos, and runners grouped for the start by estimated finishing time.  I was in the purple (last!) group with lots of other running beans.  The weather was beautiful - blue skies, warm but not too warm with a slight breeze.

Me feeling rather nervous about 10 minutes before the start of the race.

The race officially started at 8am but my group crossed the line at 8.10am, when the fancy timing chip embedded in our race number started tracking our progress.

The view ahead of me at the start.
Once the race got underway, it took a lot of concentration to stick to my planned pace and not get carried away by the adrenaline or the fact that the first mile was pretty much all downhill! By this time it was much warmer with bright sunlight; by far the hottest I've run in this year (seem to have spent most of this year running amid snow or frost!).  There was amazing support from people watching the race from the beginning and all the way through which made a massive difference, from cheers and clapping and bashing of pots and pans, to wee boys in Musselburgh setting up their own extra water station, to many well-wishers handing out Haribo :D.
The first 5 miles passed in an absolute blur and before I knew it I was on the esplanade at Portobello.  The sky was blue, the beach was golden and the views across to Fife and along to East Lothian were just beautiful.  There was even a group of Japanese drummers playing to spur us on!
After Portobello we arrived in Musselburgh and that's when I started to feel it in my hips and feet, and the hard work started. Fortunately by this point it had clouded over a bit and wasn't so hot.  I also confirmed my suspicion about my incapability to run whilst holding and drinking from a water bottle -I usually use a water backpack - although the extra water was very welcome most of it ended up in my nose or down my front :D.
The last stretch of the race took us through Musselburgh  past the racecourse and out the other side, before turning back and heading for the finish line after 13.1 miles.

Kasia met me after the finish 
So my provisional time (texted to me after the race - so hi-tech!) was 2:07:52, which I'm really pleased with.  Yay!

Check the medal!!
And then came breakfast :D

Thank you Em!

A massive thank you to everyone who cheered me on during the race including all my friends and family for their moral support before, during and after.  It made such a huge difference and I appreciate it so much.
I also want to say a HUMUNGOUS thank you to more incredible sponsors: Magda, Ina, Janusz, Ania, Marek, Claire, Sylvia, Joe, Emma, Kay, Neil, Ali, Susan and Pauline - you are all amazing :D.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Edinburgh Half-Marathon!

Hi!  Kate here :)

As part of my fundraising efforts, I'm running the Edinburgh half-marathon later this month, on the 26th May.  Just 2 1/2  weeks to go..... gulp!

I've been a runner for a couple of years now, and I totally love it.   No matter how hard it may be to drag myself out of bed in the mornings and get out there in some very attractive skin tight attire, (particularly at 5.45am which is what I'm doing on Tuesdays at the moment!) it's difficult to beat the almost meditative headspace that running provides, as well as the fantastic post-run endorphin high.

However, apart from a few performances with the incredible NVA for Speed of Light, I have never run with other people, let alone in any sort of race (unless you count sports day back at school....but let's not go there!).  The Half-Marathon will be my first ever proper experience of this, so I'm super excited but really rather terrified at the same time.  I'm totally up for the challenge though! Apart from my major goals of a. actually finishing and b. not coming last (or getting swept up by the sweeper bus that travels behind the runners at race-time-limit speed), if everything goes to plan, if I could run the race in around 2 hours 20 minutes I would be well chuffed.

Here's a video of me enjoying a 10 mile training run a few days ago.  It was pretty windy!  I'm grinning because I'm about to eat a yummy strawberry and banana energy gel, and I know that around the next corner is an amazing 2-mile downhill stretch :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

Life really is amazing. If someone had told me 3 years ago that I'd be about to run a 13.1 mile race along with thousands of other people, and would enjoy it too, (let alone that I would be doing it so I could go to Africa to work on an incredible project with an awesome charity) I would have wondered what planet they had recently arrived from.  And yet here I am!  Loving it :D


In other news, I want to give a massive shout out and thank you to more fantastic sponsors: there have been so many of you and Kasia and I are just so grateful and amazed! Neil, Caroline, Ian, Migs, Rich, Katie, Astrid, Thomas, Caro, Helen, Moira and Ivona you are ALL COMPLETELY ACE!!  Thank you so much!!!!

Kate xxxx